
By BlipCommunity

June challenge - Look Up!

Welcome to your new community challenge. Blippers often comment that taking a daily photograph inspires them to look around themselves more. Alternatively it can encourage us to look at things from a different angle.

Whether you get down low like blipper K9tam did with this wonderful daisy, or lift your gaze to the skies, trees, buildings and anything else above you, we invite you to Look Up!

From 1st to 15th June inclusive, please tag maximum two blips with #BCLookup (for Blip Community Look Up). Add #OK2share if you wouldn't mind us featuring your image on our social media channels. 

As usual, entries dated outwith 1-15th June won't be counted. If your journal is set to private, you can still enter for your followers to see, but it won't be able to appear in the results post.

We have HIGH hopes this month, haha! 

Lindsay and Cat
Community volunteers

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