A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Summer brunch

Yes summer, it’s the 1st June and it felt like summer this morning, so much so that the outdoor table and benches were moved on to the centre of the terrace for one of John’s magnificent weekend brunches
Smoked salmon and scrambled egg on toast with avocado and roasted tomatoes, mushrooms and spinach. Coffee and orange juice too.

Everybody was up late this morning so this was the perfect repast before the girls (too hot wearing their sun glasses and still in their PJs here so a bit Silly Saturday ) had to get ready for Eda’s second show this afternoon.

Daddy was going to go with Granny Sue and he was walking over to her house and neighbour Piper and her mummy were also going to see the show. Grace had been asked to do front of house again and was hoping to get in with Jude for a second watch ( I’m sure Jude could get away with sitting on a knee). Then, as payment for some choreography, Grace has tickets for this evening’s performance of Les Miserables. No idea what Eda will make of that but I think she will be shattered when she gets home.

Had a great week as usual, tiring but fun. We are back home now, no motorway holdups and to our amazement it’s sunny!

Back in 6 weeks!

In the second image you can see the view. Look straight down the middle of the right hand lawn of the garden and over the roof tops at the bottom into Bath and you can see the Abbey.

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