Glimpses of Me

By mimi128

Don't Be Shy...

... says the little girl to the duck...

... says the duck to the little girl...

"We are friends..."

Great fun today!!! Although it wasn't 100%.. Went to church this morning and it was a surprise when our Parish Priest didn't have any sacristans at all when he normally has four of them all at the same time.. After mass, we were told that one of them, a little boy named Oliver is quite poorly in the hospital and has just been diagnosed with Leukaemia.. Oh my heart broke for him.. He is the youngest of four I think, and his sister before him is also one of the Sacristans.. What a blow to their lovely family.. I can understand what they're going through but I can only imagine as to what extent.. He is so young with so much ahead of him and I pray they all make it through with the help of their faith...

On a much lighter note, me and Mr M went to Rother Valley Country Park today! Yey!!! But not before stopping by KFC to take out lunch for our 'picnic'. We likewise brought both our bikes with us.. So off we went, lunch by the lake where we watched this little girl who, at first was quite timid getting near the ducks, until she realized the ducks were shy getting close to her too! After lunch, we then went off biking for nearly about 2 hours! It was fun and exhilirating! Did several stopovers to take some more shots which you can see here; including my very first sighting, well in person, of a Damsel Fly! Yey!!! And the best thing is, as soon as I saw it, I knew what is was! Thanks to you guys here on blip! Please feel free to browse them all! We then went back to our spot under the shade in front of the lake where our view is of ducks, ducks and ducks! One even doing a balancing act, haha! We then sat and proceeded to watch Andy Murray win the Wimbledon Finals against Novak Djokovic!!! Yey!!! After a 77-year wait, a Brit has finally won again!

So one of the best Sundays , not only for me but for a lot of people!!!

Hope everyone else's Sunday was as fab!

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