Nature Watcher

By NatureWatcher

Domesday Morris in action

Yesterday I went to Sandbach Day of Dance where 10 morris sides danced throughout the town.  As an ex morris dancer I really enjoyed watching the different dances and styles and meeting people that I know from the folk scene. It was also lovely meeting blipper villan who was there taking photos too.

It was difficult choosing a blip from all the shots that I took but decided that I would go for this one of Domesday Morris as it showed the enjoyment of dancing.  I've also added a few extras of Domesday and Clerical Error from North Wales.

In the evening I played for the ceilidh with Band 2 (the second one in two nights!) There weren't many morris dancers there but not surprising as they'd been dancing all day. 

Two late nights on the trot, it will hopefully be an early one tonight!

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