Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Fun in Humshaugh

Annette sent a text to say that she and Walt and the boys had arrived in the play area in Humshaugh. The boys love the zip wire. 

Would I like to join them. Yes, of course.

The boys love all the activities on offer. Here is Isaac - "I am 5" - tackling the rope section that leads to the slide. Owen, 3, was not far behind. See him in my extra.

It was lovely to see them and have a chat with Annette. Walt is the manager at the Mart. I was talking about being there on Friday and he told me quite a few things I did not know about the buying and selling. I knew a bit about the luck money, but not that buyers receive it from the Mart as well as from the people they are buying for. Not quite smoke and mirrors. It has to be declared.

I've had a quiet afternoon. I discovered that I could phone NS&I on a Sunday so I contacted them. I'd received a letter saying that I needed to send the grant of probate to them and in the same post an envelope containing it! It seems that the application has gone through correctly, so I don't need to do more than "Watch for the post carefully" (sic).

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