Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

The village in the valley

My friend, Sandra, came from Durham today. We met in 1972 when we shared a flat at Newcastle University. We have been firm friends since. Sandra and my Mum were also very close.

She came with roses, biscuits and a listening ear plus encouragement. Just perfect.

We called at the garden centre to choose annuals for my central bed, then had a leisurely lunch at home. We chatted all afternoon until it was time for her train.

On my way home, I drove up a single track road at Wall looking for a blip in the hedgerows. Then I saw Humshaugh below me and a clear view into the distance, so I chose this as a blip. If you enlarge it you should be able to see the bridge at Chollerford and our village behind it.

Bill Ward spoke at our Creative Haven zoom meeting tonight. Every time I hear him I am inspired. His images seem to get better and better. Tonight was about water.

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