
By spannarama

Outdoorsy day

I went to help at the Cairn again today - and Tim finished cleaning our bedroom carpet.  It was another quite full-on session at the Cairn - we went back to Bailey's Cleave and snipped back all the foliage that was encroaching on the zig-zag path, all the way from top to bottom.  Such a beautiful day for it though :)

I came home and found Tim sitting out in the summer house (we're getting good value from it so far!)  I made my lunch and went and joined him.  We came in a while later, then went out the front to do a bit of weeding and watering.  Tim chatted to our neighbour Liz, and checked with her about planting a couple of ferns on the border between our houses - she was fine with that, but popped over to see where we meant - and for a look at the summer house. 

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