
By spannarama

Sarah's garden

Busy morning working from home, and some concerning news that my boss will be off for the foreseeable taking some 'special leave'. Not entirely sure what that means. I sent her a message to let her know I was thinking of her, and got a reply, which I was glad of. (Though still none the wiser!)

Got packed up in super quick time and Tim drove me to Barnstaple to get the train to London. Had a good journey into Paddington, picked up some wine and choccy treats at M&S, and caught the Bakerloo line over to Lambeth North to go for dinner at my friend Sarah's house. This was the first time I'd been there; it's lovely, and the view from their garden (which I didn't notice until it got dark and we were leaving) was pretty cool! Char came too, and Sarah's husband cooked us all dinner, which was lovely. Nice to see their kids again too - had a quick card game with little Lucy before she went to bed. Had a lovely evening.

Char and I hurried to Elephant and Castle afterwards - she caught the train home and I caught the Tube into the City and walked to my Travelodge at Liverpool Street. The first stop in a two night Travelodge tour...!

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