..endeavour to persevere

By Nick_T

Eskmeals, again

After the Locomotive excitement on the viaduct yesterday I suggested to my partner in bimbling about, (Jess), to return today and have a wander out down the estuary through the dunes. - This area is a military firing range and even though there are footpaths outside of the range boundary, visiting the dunes is forbidden during the week as shells and other projectiles pass over your head out to sea..
Anyway, I was not really sure on my intended blip so just shot (photographically) anything that moved and some things which didn't.
My favourite was the landscape taken from the Esk Estuary mouth, this area is completely deserted, nothing but our footsteps for miles.
I took a lot of other shots, which would have been a shame to discard so I put them in a collage (extras)
From Top Left :
Little Egret, Skylark
Dune Pansy,  Common Blue butterfly (female)
Oystercatcher,  Stonechat (juvenile)
Mother Shipton Moth, Little Egret

Excellent afternoon completed in the dunes with a Guinness Zero, a packet of hula hoops and a Large Clayton Park Bakery Pork Pie !

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