..endeavour to persevere

By Nick_T


Cold north wind today on the coast so abandoned planned walk to St Bees and went inland. 
Loweswater is always interesting, a lake, fells ,waterfall and woodland, must be a subject here...
All that went out of the window when I saw the buttercups, the road, the various greens and Burnbank Fell in the background.. 
Finished with a stop at the Kirkstile Inn, a Cumbrian Ales beer flight:- Grasmoor Dark, Langdale & Loweswater Gold.

ps. I very much appreciate all comments, I read and welcome every one, I don't get around to replying often, life gets in the way.
Thanks for taking the time - as a novice it is very encouraging and the journal side of blip is as important to me as the image.

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