Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze


I left Cairo in a huge state of turmoil yesterday. I arrived in transit in Rome to an email which left me in a personal state of shock. Our very real friend and blipper Chaiselongue had passed away that morning. Bb and I read it and re-read it, and hugged each other, in tears, disbelieving. Chaiselongue has been (I'm not ready to say 'had been' yet) one of my closest and constant blip companions since May 8th 2010, when she commented on my sixth blip, welcoming me to this community. Unsurprisingly, my blip that day was of cookery books in Edinburgh: literature and cooking, two of her many passions.

Since then, she's been a constant inspiration on here. I honestly can't believe she's gone. My husband Bb and I had the very real pleasure of meeting her and Lo Jardiniere last September, when they stayed with us for a weekend in Barcelona. We talked, ate well (but simply, as was her custom) in our local restaurants and shared a glass or two of wine. We connected, just as we did on blip. Her love for life, passion for justice, women's rights, literature, photography and keen interest to connect at a local level were all present that weekend.

The plan was for us to visit them in Languedoc to further enrich our friendship. And we will definitely visit, but now there will be a toast, sadly, to absent friends and loved ones. She will be sorely missed. My heart, love and condolences go out to Lo Jardiniere and their family. Grief takes time and space. May they have that now.

Chaiselongue - these balconies, colours and shadows are for you. Thank you for sharing your life and heart with us. I already miss you.

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