A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Ribbon of light

Or as freespiral says - a fairy at the bottom of the garden!
Couldn’t resist using this photo which came from my daughter this morning. I think it’s fabulous.

Being the last day of the half term holidays Grace has face painted the girls for fun, she’s pretty good at it which I certainly wouldn’t be!

Fun though these are it was the picture of Eda in the garden with her ribbon catching the evening light that I liked enough to blip.

Just the last few items of ironing to do this afternoon. Had the usual singing session this morning going through the songs for Saturday's concert with the Bradford Brass Band.
Followed singing with an M & S shop in Guiseley and a coffee in Costa. 

Church choir this evening so back into the old routine already and summer seems to have faded already!

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