What a fabulous day…the sun was out, the atmosphere was buzzing and we all completed the 5km walk for Prostrate Cancer. Between us we’ve raised over £4,000.
# The family at the start. O sadly had to work but Daphne joined us (J’s girlfriend)
#there were some very interesting people to chat with
# the shade of the trees was very welcome from the hot sunshine.
# we made it!!! One hour 15 mins later.
(It was the other 7km we did through the day that did us in!!)
#The Rev finishing it with his MacMillan nurse. It was lovely to have her there. She has been such an amazing support for both of us.
Definitely ready for bed, but we had to make an hours round trip to help J who had a stroppy neighbour square up to him over parking!!!! The guy wants no one to park outside his flat or he blocks their cars in with his 2!!!!
However nothing was going to spoil our fabulous day.

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