This is the day

By wrencottage

The Railway Coffee Tavern

I had an appointment with my audiologist at 12.30, so I walked to her clinic in South Woodford. 

She took impressions of my ears so that silicone earmoulds can be made from them. My present ear domes are quite uncomfortable, so this is my only other option, albeit a rather expensive one (especially if I don’t like using them and decide to go back to the ear domes!).

The hearing aids themselves were sent away for repair. One of them has lost bluetooth connection and the other one’s battery is running right down by the end of the day, whereas the other still has about 50% charge left. Fortunately they are still under warranty.

Rather than walk back home, I took the tube as it was time for lunch. I was amused by this scene on the station platform – everyone glued to their phone! I also liked the assortment of architectural styles, chimney pots and lamps on the buildings in the background.

I returned home to find a fresh batch of granola and a batch of scones on the kitchen centre island. The aroma was wonderful, which is also a good description of the chef …

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