Another beautiful day, we’re so lucky! • MrsP suggested breakfast at the diner and she didn’t have to twist my arm for me to say yes. After a walk we visited the boat landing and cobbosseecontee stream, which is where we found this sweet family of mallards :) • It’s been a busy afternoon of lawn mowing and new plant watering. Sadly we had to remove one of our Macfarlane lilacs because something overnight, most likely a raccoon, toppled the tree and split it near the bottom of the trunk. A few smaller ones were bent over with it but they’re now tied to some larger trees. I assume it was after suet and not the catbird nest • Speaking of pests, I discovered Lewis stalking a gray squirrel near the house. Grrrr! He’s a cute cat but isn’t afraid of me, nor does he understand No! or Get! or any other scary noises I direct at him. Next time a pan of water is coming out. I’m so afraid for the chipmunks • Peace & Love
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