
By H22

Place: Largo, FL 71/91
Main activity: Mon - errands, work, pool, work
Notes: Up EARLY (430a-ish) and couldn't go back to sleep. Got up a bit after 5a and did some things around the house and online. Around 8a, ran to Lakeview Produce for avo, lemon, arugula, eggs and sea moss drink. Back and made coffee and then jumped on Zoom w/ Susan for over an hour about starting SpeakOUT site and etc. Worked then on ArtOUT updating winners on website, Library flyers and winner images and then a bit more on SpeakOUT before going to pool for a bit. Quite hot but then clouds - read and relaxed in that for a bit before heading back in, shower, made big taco salad and back to work until 530p. Tried to go to bed early but new neighbors were so loud (banging and moving stuff around mostly but some voices) I finally got up and moved to the chaise in the living room ~1130p. 

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