
By fennerpearson


I drove back up to Kirkby Lonsdale, this morning, taking my bags and all our washing as the washing machine in Salford is kaput.

It was nice to be back at the house, especially as Helen, the cleaner, had been on Friday.

I must have run the dishwasher as I was leaving the house last week, as it needed emptying, and saw with a little twinge that this fellow is now broken beyond repair. 

My first wife and I bought a set of crockery when we visited Glasgow in 1997 or '98, and when we split up, that's what came with me. The number of plates, bowls, and jugs has slowly diminished over the years, and this is the latest casualty. 

Oddly, it's the jugs that I remember most clearly - one yellow, one a kind of burnt orange - putting them out on the table for the girls when we had breakfast at Blackberry Hill. I guess that would have been 1999. 

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