secret garden

By freespiral

Decked overall

A murky moisty morning and we nipped in to Bantry - me to get some books at the library, Himself to get some putty and window glass. I looked up - I don't know why the flags are flying but they looked rather jolly and the houses are of course always interesting colours.
Back home and the weather improved though windy. We pottered and then had the similar thought - a swim? Oddly there was no one else down at Kitchen Cove and it was looking gorgeous but OMG, the water was freezing! 11c apparently but I'm only just thawing out. It must be good for us. 
On our way back we were horrified to find that one of the election posters (local elections next week and there are a lot of very odd mugshot everywhere) has been adorned with a proTrump stick. WTF??

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