secret garden

By freespiral


A very enjoyable, relaxed and cultural day. We picked Finola up in Ballydehob and headed off to Union Hall, setting of the recent series Bodkin.I was very disappointed to find that many of the jazzily vintaged shopfronts which had been painted especially for the series, were since covered over in more humdrum manner. Nonetheless we had a good mooch around Cnoc Buí Gallery which had an interesting couple of abstract exhibitions on. Desperate for a coffee we carried on to Glandore which was oddly closed - odd because it's normally heaving having a a glorious view out to sea - remember Veronica? Plan B and in to Skibbereen where we had excellent toasties  and then a wander around a very prestigious and beautiful second hand art book shop. Back to Ballydehob and we finished off with another exhibition in the Working Artists Studio followed by a massive ice cream - and a chat to the Social Democrat candidate who was having a meeting in the sunshine outside Budds. 
Re the offensive Trump sticker - we heard that there was 21st birthday party in the village at the weekend, could it have been some wag? 

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