Maniototo Moment

Reporting from TT

It was too early for any Sparrows to even consider flatulence when the house started this morning and in the dark I was chucked into the back of Suzz along with a sleepy Big T and with the B's in front we were off. A short drop of at Tussock's THC and on to Dunedin where everything ground to a halt in the A&E waiting room. Well after all The Bossess was not exactly urgent BUT had followed a devious plan of taking enough to actually spend a night there. (Hey not in the A&E but the town if things had gone badly with giving "The Finger".
After some time The Boss was despatched with ME on bag, to get an international drivers license and have lunch. The Bossess had eaten nothing (Murphies Law prepare for it and it won't happen) So we were delighted when the phone buzzed and The Bossess had been finger straightened, splinted and the South Hampton thingie was nowhere to be seen (due to technical issues I understand) Joy was heard through the land as not everyone want's to have a tennis racket attached to your broken pinkie.
Oh and the nice lady at THC gave some really good advise for dealing with agro dogs which I am not going to relate here but would have saved The Bossess finger for sure.

There are 2 ways you can go between Wanaka and Dunedin and the slightly longer is via Middlemarch. What a treat this was and Blipwise we were spoiled for choice.
The B's are B.....ed and going to bed. I am comfy on my camera pak in the Boss's studio. Big T is curled up in her house AND The Bossess wishes the whole affair had never happened.
Night All
Oh and a Tiny Paw note to the lovely Di The Driver lady. You are a sweety and she was totally chuffed to hear from you. Have a chocolate fish and take the rest of the day off.

Bah at the sheep

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