
By amandoAlentejo


Paul popped in and was, of course, coerced into reading to Eden - the tale of the Flopsy Bunnies this time, who were overcome by the soporific effect of eating too many lettuces, and almost met a nasty end by Mr McGregor. (Julia and I had already read it several times.) Eden can fill in almost any word you leave out, including soporific.

Love the way Beatrix Potter didn't dumb down her vocabulary for children. The Flopsy Bunnies' parents were, for example, improvident.

I was later roped in to edit an article Deb was writing about mission. See here an old family photo Mike unearthed from the attic for an illustration - especially as Deb didn't know what a pith helmet was, in spite of having parents, grandparents and great-grandparents as such - though I have never worn one, to be fair.

- Sam cooking us all a great dinner
- a burst of sunshine at one point while I was out (then got rained on)
- the bath I'm about to get into, which will hopefully have a soporific effect on me

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