Nature Watcher

By NatureWatcher

Music session

Last night I went to a music session near Newport.  There were twelve musicians (3x melodeons, 4x fiddles, 1x guitar, 1x guitar, 1x harmonicas, 1x banjo, 1x percussion and I was playing the piano). We did our usual mix of tunes and songs - great fun!

One of the musicians works at Harper Adams Agricultural University and he brought eight students with him.  They were from different countries in Africa and were on a ten week course then taking their knowledge home.

I got chatting to three of them, from Nigeria, Ruanda and Mozambique - all lovely friendly young people.  They seemed to enjoy the night, some were recording videos and at the end did a bit of dancing to our music.

F and O came with me and hopefully they enjoyed it too. I gave my camera to them to take some photos as it's difficult to do both things at the same time!

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