A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Summer blossom …

…in profusion which will become autumn and winter berries in a few months time on this Pyracantha at the back of the garden.

A bright and breezy day but I hadn’t been in the garden long before I had to nip back in for a lightweight sweater. A big drop in temperature from yesterday.

I did a bit more weed and moss clearing from the top patio but I’m letting the lovely Erigeron daisies have their way in most places, I don’t consider them weeds. Chris got the lawn mower out but was having problems getting it to start (petrol) as it was apparently damp. No matter there were soon spots of rain so we came in for coffee.
A bit of WD40 got the mower going when the sun returned but the showers aren’t far away.
 Took this shot with the wide angle setting on my phone and thought it would do for both wide Wednesday and the Look Up challenge.

To the right of centre  you can just see yesterday’s poppy and to the right of that is our patch of wild garden.

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