Now, as I see it......

By JohnRH

Chick chick

One bird we have been getting in the garden pretty much from the start is a wren.  Normally I only see one of them but yesterday I saw two, and today when looking out of the back door I spotted three chicks playing in the sun next to a dwarf rosemary bush. One of them nipped back under but I managed to get this shot of the other two, taken through the glass of the back door.

I was pretty sure they were wren chicks but as they looked similar to juvenile robins I thought I would check to see if they were likely to have nested under the rosemary bush.  I Googled "Where do wrens nest?" and was rather surprised to see that the top answer was '14, Co-operative Street, Sheringham, NR26 8DX'.  What, all of them?  The entire world population of wrens nest in Sheringham?  Further investigation showed that it was a holiday cottage rental called 'Wrens Nest' and that in fact, there is a good chance my wrens are nesting under the rosemary by my back door.  No roast lamb for me this weekend!

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