
By ABeautifulNow


I could not chose just 1 today, similar but just could not decided which one was better or spoke to me more. I added the 2nd one to extra photos but have yet to do that so I don't know where it is going to show up? I will soon fine out after I push publish.  

I really struggling with editing photos with people in them. This type of photo of flowers or nature I know what I want, bold bright colors or pop of colors but add a person into the mix and I'm confused and 2nd guessing my self and is the white balance right and the skin tone right and will they like it? I feel like a need a million more hours in training in editing. I have been trying to find classes to learn how to edit photos and use photoshop but nothing seems quiet right and how you edit is so subjective to get a clear ' This is how you do it' doesn't seem to exist! Sigh.... Ill just keep on keeping on. 

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