Pan mae amser gyda fi
Pan mae amser gyda fi ~ When I have time
“And I asked myself about the present: how wide it was, how deep it was, how much was mine to keep.”
― Kurt Vonnegut, (Kurt Vonnegut, Slaughterhouse-Five, 1969)
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Mwynheais i fynd i'r pentref i wneud tipyn bach o siopa ac yn eistedd yn y fynwent. Pan mae amser gyda fi, rydw i'n hoffi eistedd yma ac yn gwerthfawrogi'r amser tawel tra mae'r ceir yn rhuthro wrth heibio a'r busnes bywyd yn parhau. Rydw i'n cwyno o dro i dro am fywyd modern, ond mae rhaid i mi fod yn falch am yr hen bethau sy'n dal gyda ni - fel y fynwent dawel.
Mae nifer o siopau yn y pentref yn newid dwylo a tybed a beth sy'n dod nesa. Yn gobeithio rhywbeth gwahanol, nid mwy o werthwyr tai, siopau elusen, cartrefi angladd, ac yn y blaen. Gadewch inni obeithio am rywbeth newydd (neu hen) a diddorol.
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I enjoyed going to the village to do a bit of shopping and sitting in the cemetery. When I have time, I like to sit here and appreciate the quiet time while the cars rush by and the business of life goes on. I complain from time to time about modern life, but I have to be proud of the old things that are still with us - like the quiet cemetery.
A number of shops in the village are changing hands and I wonder what comes next. Hoping for something different, no more estate agents, charity shops, funeral homes, and so on. Let us hope for something new (or old) and interesting.
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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Eglwys Santes Fair
Description (English): St. Mary's Church
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