
By fennerpearson

Know your audience

Dan is coming home tomorrow for a technical rehearsal at The Dukes, followed by a week's run playing guitar in 'Rent'.

I needed to stock up the house for while he's here, and I guess I could have bought all sorts of worthy stuff but I the end I just went for the things that I know he'll eat. 

That covers today's Blip.

In more exciting news - and please bear in mind, it's a low bar - the Minx and I bought a new lawnmower. 

Our early start on the back garden was flummoxed by the sudden demise of the Flymo after ten years of sporadic service. As we were on a roll, we headed straight out to B&Q for a replacement. 

Faced with a bank of candidates, we fell back on the reviews, trying to ascertain whose judgement we trusted from their prose*, eventually ending up with a Mac Allister. 

Which, back home and after a few minutes of trial and error, turned out to be a fantastic choice. 

*you don't find much poetry in product reviews I've found.

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