
By ExtraDays

Day Two

Don't hold me to this claim, but I'm so happy this project has begun, I don't care how long it takes. ETC: weeks (that's estimated time of completion), and more realistically - months, even years, because when is anything actually really done, finished, over! 
They've removed the large double-paned plate glass window and we're having a new one built. It'll be an Anderson and will be wood framed and state of the art- at least, it better be: $$$$
Turns out that entire pop-out (1.5 ft) "bay" window was built of wonderful, clear fir (129 years ago), but wasn't given enough support to hold the very heavy window, but this crew is going to fix all that. 
The crew is a dad and two sons who work wonderfully well together: patience, cooperation, politeness, confidence, responsibility - really nice to be around. Except for one insult: I asked if he could accept payment by Visa, he said no, so I teased with a list of cash? check? bag of gold? Venmo? He exclaimed, Venmo!? and I thought, oh no, something's not right with Venmo, too? Is nothing digital trustworthy afterall? No, he was just surprised I knew about Venmo. Geez! Even the sons grinned, then really grinned when I said I used Venmo a lot, but there is much I don't yet know or understand about all that.

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