Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Ready for take off?

Someone asked about the cabinet I mentioned yesterday which we gave Avril to refurbish. There's a picture in the extras, it went to her as shown in the top left image.
Today was a bit crazy!
Ali and the girls came over late morning just as I went to pick up the older girls only to get a text just as I arrived to find out the plan had changed.
Eilidh is now in the school netball team and they meet on a Friday afternoon. This needed to be wrapped around Isobel's dancing and Eilidh's theatre arts and dancing class. Colin and I were rushing round madly getting them where they needed to be!
I'm awfully glad we didn't need to go over the hill to Murrayfield where the Taylor Swift frenzy is playing out. Ironically the only person I know going is my son in law who is on duty there tomorrow and Sunday. His daughters are very jealous.
My Blip is of a car by Eilidh's dance group this afternoon. If you look closely you'll see the nearest wheel is not touching the ground. We eventually spotted a jack well hidden underneath, but it did look very odd.
...... The best news though is that I finally heard that I am excused jury duty. It's been a long three days waiting to hear. Thank goodness, now I can start looking forward to my holiday.

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