Newcastle Downunder

By jensphotos


Don't look too closely at the image.  Perhaps just squint the eyes a bit as it is not the best.   You can probably tell from the ridiculous ISO that this was taken about 30 minutes or so after sunset.

I had driven into town to the shoemakers to fix the sole on my boots which has corroded (not sure if that is the right word for rubber that is falling to bits) and alas they could not help me.   They did tell me to try another shoemaker which I am because: one, I like the boots, and two, they were expensive.  So I was heading to King Edward park to give Maggy a quick run and saw this Osprey sitting up on the lightpole.  This was about 5 minutes after sunset.   He was looking intently out to sea and when I looked down at my camera to check the focusing and then looked up, he was gone.  I saw him circling over the sea not too far out and then bingo, he came back in and sat again on the light pole.  This went on for about another 15 minutes until eventually he did a big splash in the sea and came back with this fish.  He was quite close in so I wonder if the fish was on it's last legs.  I had a lot of blurred images over this time and by now it was really getting darkish so I upped the ISO to ridiculous, ran this through denoise in LR and here it is.  Not the best but it does show him with his dinner so it is going to be my blip.

Not much else to report except I am about to head off to Sydney for a couple of days and am not taking my laptop so I will catch up with you when I get back to Newy.

Have a good weekend.

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