Compare et contrast
Busy Wednesday wasn't so busy today, thanks to basketball having finished for the year. So, a morning trip to the airport with my Mam, and a frustratingly pointless conversation with a polite Air France lady. My Mam was due to travel via Amsterdam, but I had only been able to print out the boarding pass for her first leg, giving her a potentially stressful experience in Schipol sorting out the second leg. (In the event it was a smooth procedure, but unnecessary and not what wanted for someone not that familiar with international travel to have to deal with.)
Home then to run TallGirl and friends to their last art class, held this time at the teacher's house which I finally found after some panicked phone calls from TallGirl to her teacher which made the rest of us giggle. Later there was riding for TallGirl and then time to relax... Except not, since TallGirl surprised me on the way home from riding with the information that Thursday was the last day of school, not Friday as I had thought. (Bringing forward the panic of presents for teachers!)
Yesterday we went to the library, and I spotted the JK Rowling book above in French. Since I have the one in English, I thought a bit of compare and contrast might be entertaining - in all that spare time I have. Obviously (this is being posted next Monday) I haven't got any further than photographing the books. Let's see if I manage to read any of the French one before it has to go back in three weeks.
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