A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

A Summer Concert

We are just in from a concert held at St John’s Church in Great Horton, Bradford. 
The concert was our ATN community singers and The Bradford Concert Band.  We shared the programme with the band, each of us performing a selection of our own numbers and at the end of each half we sang two songs with the bands accompaniment, something we only rehearsed late afternoon today.

I didn’t have much time or opportunity for taking photographs so this is one I took from the platform whilst waiting during rehearsal. I rather liked the multinational flags as this church, I believe, has a multinational congregation. The other shots are the programme and the band before the concert started plus the picture of us singing which appeared later on facebook  

A really good evening and there were hot drinks and home made cakes at the interval! 
Thanks to all concerned.

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