living in a glass house

By DandelionTree


I'm impressed that the bark boats the kids made actually floated! Fun day today at Lymm Dam with friends. Tree climbing, log balancing, fungus spotting, and the afore mentioned boat decorating and sailing. Here are the four oldest sending the boats on their way. Chickpea said her favourite part was having a picnic on a log.

In other news, HOLY HEAT WAVE! I am loving the weather- reminds me so much of the sweaty, sticky, popsicle and sprinkler laden summers that I'm missing at home. Long may it continue. Ok, I know that's not likely but I can wish! And I have to say that a heatwave is wasted on you lot over here! I have seen the Facebook statuses...

We woke up to a beautiful iridescent green chrysalis the morning. The countdown to the butterfly emerging has begun! Plus, I think I got it wrong yesterday- my bet is on tortoiseshell but I guess we will see.

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