Booky Goatherd

By Booky_Goatherd

Saturday: Variety

Well, I’m pleased to report that the flight’s delay, having been initially several hours, was reduced to just over an hour and a half so nothing was really lost. And I managed to catch an earlier train ahead of the cancelled one so all ended up well.

Unfortunately, the flight was uncomfortably cold again.  It wasn’t just me, everyone I looked at in the night was wearing hoodies, hats and was wrapped in their blanket.  I think the staff realised something was wrong when they found our row of passengers all clutching our heated morning croissants and using them as hand warmers.

Anyway, I’m now safely in Altrincham where we’re staying with friends for a couple of days.  Our friends had tickets to a concert tonight so K and I had a lovely catch-up evening.  

The only thing is to keep going and work through the tiredness so we did that by enjoying some much-needed beer variety.  Altrincham has some great little spots - we ate at ‘Harcourt’, a restaurant that specialises in Hong Kong street food and also has a great beer list.  This photo was taken at ‘Batch Bottlestore’, where we had a drink beforehand.

It’s so good to see K. again.  I’ve missed her very much.

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