Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Evening light

Life is too ironic to fully
It takes sadness to know
what happiness is, noise to
appreciate silence and
absence to value presence


Evening walk to clear my head. It's been a busy day, lots of people wanting my help and some running around. It felt really nice to take my camera out for a walk and I just walked. Turned into a new path and ended up on a path leading to a huge field of grain of some sort. Found a lot of broken pieces of pottery and porcelain of some kind. Walking back I met a woman with three dogs, to large growling kind and one little yapping one. She called out to me and asked me if I had a dog, which I haven't so she dragged the dogs on to the side of the path and I asked her if I should step aside, but she told me to pass. She also told me that they're not used to meeting people on this path. I tried to relax as much as possible while passing the larger growling dogs, not looking at them and certainly not taking a photo... It all went well, though. I think I just startled them and that they realized that I wasn't dangerous at all. :)

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