Living my dream

By Mima


K's husband R bought this beautiful flower wind sculpture for the garden a couple of weeks after she died. She had been admiring it at a local garden centre for months, but hadn't persuaded herself to buy it because of the cost. 

R bought it without a second thought. And I am so glad he did. It fits perfectly into K's garden and gives some height where it's needed (it is over 2m tall). 

The two parts to it rotate in opposite directions and it is wafted by the lightest of breezes. The glossy paint catches the light, even when there is barely any sun, like this morning.

It is a beautiful reminder of K, and I shall enjoy gardening in its company.

Now I have the photograph though, I see that it's skew-wiff: I'll need to straighten it when I'm there again next week.

Yes folks: I managed to go gardening this morning. Woopwoopwoop! 

I am incredibly happy to be more active at last. I'm still in careful, sensible mode, but I feel so much better - in body and soul - for the exercise. After working in K's garden I came home and did some in my own. 

Bean supervised.

Things are on the up... And I'll sleep well tonight.

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