Penguin Droppings

By gen2


Haarbow = fogbow

Just half a mile inland, the population of Fife was enjoying a scorcher of a day. Here on the coast, we were subjected to a cold air from the east so all day we have been blanketed by a haar.

I went along to Kinghorn this afternoon to see what misty effects I could blip when around 5pm the sun suddenly triumphed and drove the haar back to the sea. Well actually, the sun getting lower meant that weaker thermals were rising inland so less air was being drawn in from the sea.

The result was that the low sun shone into the haar creating a weaker version of a rainbow known as a 'fogbow' (or sometimes a 'whitebow').

I am posting this because of its novelty value rather than its pictorial qualities. Normal service will be resumed tomorrow.

Here is an alternative view of the haar.

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