
By AnnieBelle


My main hobby is photography. Who'd have thought it? Drilling down, what I like doing best, even though it's not what I do most of, is portraits. I believe it's a communication thing. That's pretty easy when it comes to most of my family members who are used to me snapping when we get together. Effortlessly they engage with the camera, because they've already engaged with she behind it.

When people are not so close, or indeed strangers, it can be harder but the same principle applies. Look at Trisharooni's 8 June portrait of a stallholder at the local market. Total strangers yet something fair dinkum going on there.

The best thing I've ever done for my portraits is my 75mm lens. Being longish, I don't have to get too close to the subject and the wide aperture gives sharp focus on the face and a soft background.

My main is of my niece. My extra is of someone I met for the first time at a friend's birthday lunch one year ago. In fact I didn't know most of the guests but I got the camera out and moved amongst them. I was happy with the album I made for the birthday boy.

Thanks for hosting Pinkhairedlady. 

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