Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

People watching

MonoMonday, hobbies.  Well I never think of myself as having 'hobbies' but I am a people watcher so I hope this counts for PinkHairedLady's MM subject today.

This morning I had an early dentist appointment which saw me walking past the station a bit before 9am.  This poor bloke was sitting at a table outside Costa, his hand still on his coffee cup, fast asleep.  A bad night presumably (or at the very least, too short a one).

After seeing the dentist I walked back down through town and caught the couple of shots in Extras - the first a man leaning on the Westgate sketching and the second another fella dancing to a random busker.

Many thanks to PinkHairedLady for hosting this month.  And very many thanks to all of you for your lovely comments stars and hearts yesterday - you didn't need to but you are wonderfully kind ;))

Have a great evening, all  xx

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