Sweat shop

Now....I don't want to be one of those people who complain about the weather but....it was far too warm for my liking at work today. The fan just wafts the smell of various odours around the place and blows off the patient bib. I think nice days like this are few and far between so should be declared public holidays! (Get me back to Downing Street!)
So back home for a nice cool shower, chill out and a mahoosive pile of ironing, courtesy of Mr A Nike & Manchester United
He hates packing; I hate ironing, but am far more efficient at both things is it coz I is female? so it's quicker for me to get on with it.
Plus the sooner it's done, the sooner I get:
A. My bedroom back to normality rather than an explosion in a Nike factory
B. Cuddles with Mr A

It's a fair trade! :-)

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