
By ZE1Christie

Meet Kitty

A mix of sunshine, showers, cloud and a chilly wind.  We need a big summer reset button! 

Up at 5am, early shift in the airport.  I've been working on the check-in desk all day.  A busy day of passengers, all Aberdeen flights delayed.  More 'Shetland' filming at the airport, this time outside scenes.  Popped by Laura's on my way home.  Walkies with Sammy, nipped along Madeline's.  More walkies this evening, now feet up and an early night. 

The kettlins (kittens) are now four days old, feeding well and growing fast.  Mother, Mila, is doing a grand job with her babies, a real loving mother.  She also has the watchful eye from Olly, who is yet to get too close, but he'd love to.  Meet Kitty, my adorable peerie kettlin.  She was the last to be born in the litter, but by no means the runt. She's strong, making sure she gets her fair share of milk, and keen to barge her way through her siblings, getting the warmest cosy spots.  Great to watch her grow, and we'll see how she gets on in 8-12 weeks before thinking to take her home.  Lucky to get a clear snap of her, before she wriggled in again.  Taken at Laura's, Blett Road, Cunningsburgh.  

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