If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Mating Southern Damselflies (Coenagrion mercuria)

At the weekend my strimmer started to make funny noises when I tried to start it.  So this morning we headed off to our "lawn mower man".in Brampton.  When we arrived he wasn't in so we went just along the road to the White Rabbit Tea Room for coffee and Scone.  When we got back he was there and is hopefully sorting it for Wednesday.

Having made the trip up there it seemed sensible to enjoy Talkin Tarn.  So we strolled round the tarn before a sausage bap in the cafe.  For Cumbrians who speak me native tongue I would have called it a bisckie.

While going round the tarn we came across a place that was alive with Damselflies.  For once I managed some good shots of this pair of Southern Damselflies.  At least that is the best identification I can manage, but I am not sure as Cumbria isn't listed as a stronghold for them.

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