My day

By 59

Tiny Tuesday

thanks for hosting SK. The theme is tiny toy. First up was a tiny pewter wizard the boys had when they were young. I dropped it and it now has only one arm attached. I wonder how you mend pewter…. Next tiny was a little dinosaur I found in a tree when the kids were young. It’s still here and played with by little people. It was too dark so I swapped to some farm animals. They were all upstairs in a spare room that I rarely enter. In an old trunk that was my grandmother’s. 

Bob’s cold is no worse and mine has developed a bit. Both of us are sneezing a lot. We went for a short walk around the block. I was faster than him for the first time in many months. Good news is to report I kneeled for 5 minutes on a foam cushion. It is one of my goals since I had the knee op. The knee feels bizzare as the nerves haven’t grown back yet but I don’t have pain. Feels tight and stiff at times so I need to move it regularly. 

Did anyone get Wordle for the 10th. I missed out. Stupid word. 

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