Work and play
I woke this morning and decided to ring in work to offer myself for volunteering this morning. Showered and ready, I got a call back to say yes please, I never have to ask and it's an open door policy for me. I was feeling buoyed and this was confirmed by the head when I arrived. Felt good. I went to read in Class 8, before moving onto class 4 to help with the written activity in English. They're working on The Day the Crayons Quit by Oliver Jeffers, one of my favourites. We had a choice of 4 classroom items to choose from, and needed to write a short letter from them using persuasive language and punctuation they had previously identified. It was fun and lovely to catch up with so many. I did a bit of shopping before having lunch, ironing and a bit of admin. Beetroot risotto for tea, then FK to cadets and myself to the rugby club for NCGWI with a speaker on Mudlarking. Absolutely fascinating talk and a wonderful voice to listen to. His stories were inspiring and a lot of us felt we'd like to give it a go.I forgot to take a picture of some of his treasures so took a pic of one side of the subgroups list highlighting 'Cocktails' in The Just the Tonic group.
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