
By MrsK277

The last

Been off Blip for a while, but continued to take a photo a day...over 2 weeks behind. Just fell out the groove of things. But saw Ripitup Michelle yesterday, after too long, and decided to get back in the saddle. She gave me these tools to focus my mind, parkrun, blip, not hiding away and I have let things slide...and not felt better for it. So thank you Michelle, for your encouragement and continued support. The next couple of weeks of photos will come with a small description and anything of importance that happened that day. Thankfully, I've continued with my daily readings and writings.

The last of the peonies in the park today.
FK got offered a week's work experience at RAF Cramwell.  It coincides with RIAT, which starts on that Wednesday. I've told him to be cheeky and ask if he can come just Monday and Tuesday.

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