
By PorridgeWog

Colour on a grey day (Day 3319)

Off out earlier than expected to deal with an "emergency" call out for a toilet cistern which was overflowing. It turned out it wasn't overflowing and wasn't an emergency. The flush valve was leaking a little which means water was running into the pan and the fill valve topped the water level up every few minutes as it had done for "a couple of years". I isolated the supply to the loo and said I would be back later with bits to sort it since I knew the customer has another loo.
From there I zoomed to Evie and made a start on fitting the kitchen sink in the house re-furb.
By late morning I couldn't do much more without more parts, so zoomed to town and stocked up before an appointment with the optician.
Back to Evie afterwards to get the sink connected and working, then off to deal with the loo from this morning. Typically it was a bit of a pain to sort out but I got sorted eventually.
Nice to get back to Mum's and catch up with the continuing adventures of my beautiful wife after what has been a very long day.

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