
By PorridgeWog

Photobombed, again (Day 3318)

Off to town this morning to finish off the bathroom and shower room I have been involved in over the last week.
All of the first fix work I had done last week was pretty much spot on, making fitting the basins and absolute breeze.
I collected a few bits then headed back to Mum's for lunch and to take Sigyn out for a wander. While I tried to take a pic of the view Sigyn wandered into the shot and sat down. She moved off as soon as I had stopped taking pics. She is an odd dog.
Back to Mum's to sort out some paperwork and wait for R to appear and do a survey for a solar installation on Mum's house. Apparently it will work on just daylight and doesn't need proper sunshine, which is just as well since we seem to be stuck in cold, dull, damp weather.

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