Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Another sunny but chilly morning. Archie doesn’t mind, but everybody is thoroughly fed up with 2024’s ‘summer weather’…

There was a very strange sight this morning! In all the years I have lived here, I have never, ever seen this before!! I had to go out to the gate to make sure my eyes (and ears) weren’t deceiving me. For it was one of those machines that go along WASHING the pavements!! Was the driver lost? Is this a new initiative?

A bit of pottering about, a wee snooze, and the day’s soon gone! Actually, I’m watching a Netflix series on the rise of Hitler. Very interesting, with footage of the Nuremberg trial, and Hitler’s pretty miserable younger days that formed the man. Including the snippet that his father had changed his family name from ‘Schickelgruber’ to Hiedler or Hitler, depending on preference.

Hazel popped over for a cheerio! She’s SO excited! She flies to Athens tomorrow, and starts her first cruise the following day. She’s going in to HOT weather!

We don’t even want it HOT. Just ‘warm’ will do!!!

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