
By ayearinthelife

Flight Of The Bumblebee

In spite of it being a slightly overcast day, I spotted this Buff-Tailed Bumblebee buzzing around this afternoon whilst I was mowing the lawn. Not sure what plant it’s on, but it spent quite some time there whilst I tried to get a decent photo.
It’s been a day for getting things sorted before we disappear for a few days. As well as the aforementioned lawn mowing, I have done the ironing and posted off some guitar parts that unexpectedly sold on eBay overnight. I still need to book MOTs for the car and myself (not at the same place, I hasten to add!) but I should be able to do that before we leave tomorrow.
Throw in a session in the gym this morning, a financial review booked in this afternoon, and I think I can safely say it’s been quite a productive day.

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