
By H22

Place: Gulfport, FL 74/84
Main activity: Tues - airport, moving over, unpacking/settling
Notes: Woke ~3a and never could get back to sleep. Got up around 515a and was to Susan's just before 6a (she was still getting finished w/ shower). Drove her to the airport and back to Gulfport - Ellen not feeling good and just stayed in bed so I moved everything over to Susan's myself and moved her car out (for power washing) and put the cover on (for storms). Took awhile to get most unpacked and organized. Started sneezing right away so took an allergy pill and vacuumed. Susan's flight delayed to Panama (Miami shut down b/c of heavy storms) and seemed like she might be returning and trying again tomor - I was feeling pretty stressed at what this could mean. I did get online and got the SpeakOUT site live and did a few other things. Tired but kept plugging thru, later warmed up some leftovers that had been frozen. Took a shower and put on light sweats and 3/4 shirt (so nice not to be so hot all the time!). Mid aft, had to  move the Jaguar and put her back in her covered spot, cover wasn't quite dry. Rinsed off again later and back into sweats. Thought there'd be more all-day rain but didn't last super long. Watched a handful of videos late aft into evening. 

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